WooCommerce USPS Shipping Method
Get real-time rates from the largest shipping network in the US
Show your customers accurate shipping rates automatically with our integration for USPS (WooCommerce USPS Shipping Method), the largest delivery network in United States.
Your store must use US Dollars for its currency and the United States, US Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico as the base country. WooCommerce USPS Shipping Method works with inches (in) and pounds (lbs), but other units can be converted automatically.
Other WooCommerce USPS Shipping Method features:
- Enable/disable, edit the names of, and add costs to services
- Pack items individually or using the built in box packer
Get Now WooCommerce USPS Shipping Method!!!
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Monday – Friday : 08:00 – 18:00 hrs.
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Note: Due to the timezone differences, our support team may take several hours to get in touch with you.
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